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曾勇莉 2018-05-11 09:42:54

川财证券与FactSet Research Systems INC (辉盛研究系统公司) 达成战略研究合作协议,研究所海外业务部将与其一道共同开发海外市场客户,并提供相关研究报告及数据支持。

FactSet (NYSE: FDS)总部位于美国康涅狄格州,是全球四大财经数据提供商之一,专注于为机构客户提供专业的分析工具和即时市场资讯。








Chuancai Securities and FactSet Established Strategic Partnership

On May 17, 2018, Chuancai Securities Co., Ltd. signed a strategic cooperation agreement with FactSet Research Systems INC (FactSet, FDS.N). Chuancai Securities Global Market Research Department will collaborate with FactSet to jointly develop overseas market customer business and provide relevant research reports and data support.

Headquartered in Connecticut, U.S., FactSet (NYSE: FDS) is one of the four leading financial data providers in the world and specializes in providing professional analysis tools and real-time market information for institutional investors.

FactSet was listed on the New York Stock Exchange in 1996 and currently has a market value of approximately $7.4 billion. In the future, Chuancai Securities Co., Ltd. and FactSet will carry out extensive and in-depth cooperation in fields of investment, conferences and industrial research in the form of research report to promote the development and innovation of Chuancai Research system and expand its global influence. Chuancai Securities Research Division will continuously explore and grow, discover and realize value, progress and strive forward with strong resolve.


Chuancai Securities Research Division

May 17, 2018


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